Soul Rehab; offers a safe space to heal your Soul after being targeted by a Narcissist, Sociopath, or Psychopath. I provide Coaching, active listening, tailored self-growth tools and techniques, Online Pathway courses, and Reiki therapy
My Aim
Soul Rehab; aims to provide a compassionate and confidential space that facilitates the healing of individuals who have endured emotional and psychological distress caused by relationships with narcissists, sociopaths, or psychopaths. You can freely discuss a complicated relationship to identify your own targets for change and develop a pathway of change that is right for you.
‘‘Rediscover inner peace’’
My Goal
My goal is to empower each client to regain their emotional strength, enhance their personal growth, and achieve a sustained state of mental and spiritual well-being. Through our comprehensive approach, we strive to help clients rebuild their confidence and self-esteem, enabling them to lead fulfilling and balanced lives after traumatic experiences.
Through listening, I’ll work alongside you to help you discover your own personal pathway to a happier Soul. Personal pathways often combine mindfulness, boundary management, goal setting, and more.
‘‘Be happy, become Soul Aligned’’
Lou’s Story
I've learnt that a ' Higher Power' has a funny way of creating Chaos in your life when change is required.
2012 was the worst year of my life, but it also brought one of the greatest Soul Transformations I have ever experienced. I was awakened to the light and dark living side by side in our world.
After 12 years of living with a Narcissistic partner who was so detached from his Soul that he was living purely from ego, feeding off others' energy to survive, I, too, felt my identity had been stolen. I was lost. The emotional/physical abuse endured during this time had left me depleted, burnt out, and low.
It was during this time that I became friends with a Woman. My life then spiralled onto an even darker path.
I like to look at the experience as a 'Higher Power' looking down on me and saying, '’You need to leave the life you are living. The only way you will do this is if I make it so uncomfortable for you, that you have no choice but to leave.’’
The truth is I had been planning to make my exit; however, I felt trapped by life's responsibilities and family commitments.
Then, one day, I woke up; I knew it was the day I would leave.
My Dad arrived at my house by no coincidence. He had sensed what was happening and had come to talk to me.
My Angel in Disguise.
I do not doubt that my life would have taken an even darker path if he hadn't visited me that day. My Dad, too, had been spiritually guided to see me that day.
After leaving, I felt I needed answers. What had happened to me and why? It was then that my answers were delivered. I had been living with a Narcissist. I had then become friends with a Sociopath.
Both are equally damaging to the Soul!
When you have been given a Misson here on Earth to spread light, people of a low vibration can sense this.
Your light blinds them. They crave the love and peace your aura embodies. It repeals them, and they do not have the same spiritual abilities and power. Their only objective, at that point, is to destroy you.
Luckily, I still had enough of a spark in my Soul to escape….I believe that spark saved my life and the support of family and friends, whom I am eternally grateful to have by my side.
My Soul spark is now a raging fire that fuels my drive to support you all on your healing journey.
I am walking by faith in my soul’s purpose to aid the recovery of others. The journey continues...
Registered company address: Soul Rehab; College House, 2nd Floor, 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE