Image of Louise, with long dark hair and welcoming smile

Lou Welcomes you to soul REhab;

Begin your Journey Today

The relationship between soul and self is a journey of love and hardship for many.

If you have been targeted by a Narcissist, Sociopath or Psychopath, you will fully comprehend the devastating impact this can have on a Soul level.

These Toxic individuals don't just break your heart; they break your Soul.

If you work with me, I promise to be with you energetically, whether on the phone, virtually, or in person. I will aid your healing on your journey back to yourself as you search for the answers you seek. May I be a stepping stone to your brighter future!

'You only find your light by going through the darkness.'

Much love, Lou

Soul Rehab; Founder - 'Survivor of Narcissist, Sociopath & Psychopath Abuse'

Lou’s Approach

Woman with her eyes cosed in a relaxed state

After leaving the toxic relationship, you are left feeling shocked, confused, angry, and in disbelief that another individual can commit such an evil act upon another innocent human being.

‘‘I believe the Souls I am meant to support will find their way to my website. It is no coincidence that you are here.’’

- Lou

Dream it

However challenging your journey may seem now, have faith in your own experience; faith has the potential to become your biggest form of self-growth.


You can become a happier and stronger version of yourself, able to appreciate all the small blessings in your life fully.

When your life has emerged in darkness, it is instinct to search for the light. It helps us find our way home.